The 40OZ

Concert | 11.03.2023 | Maison des Jeunes de Plainevaux

The 40OZ

Concert | 11.03.2023 | Maison des Jeunes de Plainevaux

Venez nombreux assis­ter au concert événe­ment de l’année 2023 !!! Un concert de « The 40OZ » en Belgique et à Neupré… Le samedi 11 mars 2023 à 20h33 en live pour mettre le feu depuis la Maison des Jeunes de Plainevaux !!!

20h33 : Loops in Sauce
21h07 : The 40OZ
22h38 : DJ Nico

The 40OZ (« The Fortyoz ») is the new boy band in town. Parti­cu­larly popu­lar in Japan, the group consists of seven young and sexy forty-years-old fellows. The band’s name refers to their home­town (the city of Liège, in Belgium), as well as the age at which they star­ted playing music toge­ther. Self-taught and incre­di­bly gifted musi­cians, they are often compa­red to the Beatles. They are the spea­rheads of the “ Elec­tro Funk & Roll ” scene (a new musi­cal style that they them­selves crea­ted). Their debut single “ Moron ” has become an inter­na­tio­nal smash hit, topping the charts in dozens of different countries.WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT “ THE 40OZ ”: “ The very moment they pushed the door of my recor­ding studio, I knew these guys would become the new kids on the block ! ” (Paul Kaba, produ­cer) “ This band deserves to be expe­rien­ced live, they are natu­ral-born show­men. I saw them on stage at the “ Fête des fous ”, now I can die ! ” (Beyoncé K., singer)

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